Wednesday, May 4, 2011

First Quilt is Done!

It has taken me years to want to make a quilt and so a year ago, I started. As I was working on it, I wasn't catching on the how to's very well. So I stopped and still went to our little group and finally got busy. I finished the top and then the hand sewing took me forever! But I was determined to finish. Last week I did so and I like how it looks.  It was made from scraps of material my mom sent me years ago, I sure enjoyed learning how to put it together. I am calling it the 'Traveling Quilt', as I hope to let my children will pass it back and forth. If they wish to add little decorations to the quilt, it will mean more to them. Now I am working on a small wall quilt.

1 comment:

Kim said...

LOVE your quilt. It is beautiful.