Sunday, October 12, 2008

Family History

Family History, genealogy, pedigree charts, pictures of our ancestors, I am into it! I love it. It is fun and enjoyable to find out about ones’ ancestors. The time periods bring history alive through our families! I wonder.... If being able to do family history through history classes, would it have opened up the enjoyment of some of the schooling when we were children.
My youngest daughter did a senior project on: “My Family Was There” and so she started with an ancestor on the Mayflower, in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, and other time periods of our country through the present time, ending with herself. It really made her and I appreciate our fore fathers and how they helped build this country. As I continue to do more and more names of relatives I want to know about the countries they came from. I call myself ’57 Heinz’, as we have so many different countries.
My relatives came from England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and Prussia. Most of the closest lines are here in the United States, a relative in every state, except Hawaii and Alaska. Haven’t found any relatives born in those 2 states, but I might someday. I can go back on one line into the 1300’s. Most are through the 1500’s. It is said if you can go back to English Royalty, you should be able to trace back to ‘Jesus Christ’. I think that would be cool and who knows maybe someday I will.
Here is just a sample of my family that traces to different places. I was born in California, also my mother, my father in Washington, his father in Missouri, back to Virginia, then from Germany and Prussia. On my mothers’ side, her mother in Oklahoma, grandmothers parents from Tennessee and the Carolinas to England, Ireland. The aunts, uncles, cousins, great-grand parents, is just amazing to me the different places they have all lived.
As I gather stories, I will probably put some on my blog and see if possibly you are also related.
Wouldn’t be interesting if we all did our own family history and find out how really united we all are? Would there be more peace in the world because we would respect each other as family members and be excited from where we came, to truly understand each others countries and cultures. We really are our Heavenly Father’s children and doing genealogy proves it!
*The picture is of my father in the cart along with his older brother and sister. I love having a copy of this picture not only because my father is in it, but seeing the time period. How exciting!

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