Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 25 - 1939 Lemon Cream Sherbet

From the Vermont 1939 cookbook, I like the illustrations.

Lemon Cream Sherbet

Grated rind 2 lemons
½ cup lemon juice
1 ½ cups sugar (granulated or powdered)
1 quart rich milk
Combine lemon rind juice and sugar. Let stand several hours. Add mixture to milk. Turn into tray and freeze until firm with control set at coldest point. Remove to chilled bowl, beat until smooth and fluffy. Return to tray and finish freezing to serving consistency. Reset cold control for storing.
(Serves 8-10)

By Lucene Little Bates

Notes: the rich milk would be half and half or could use whole milk. And of course with today and the electric ice cream freezer, you could just put the cold mixture into the ice cream freezer and follow your freezer's instructions.
Will be sending this to:


Sherrie said...

This sounds so yummy. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

:-) Cute illustrations. Thank you for helping to preserve old recipes through Vintage Recipe Thursday. Ice cream/sherbet recipes are always fun. Have a great day.

GStaples said...

Thanks for your comments, didn't realized how long it has been since I looked at this site. Sorry, for not answering sooner.